Every year in the U.S., nearly 100,000 people suffer brain injuries that require medical treatment and affect their ability to perform everyday activities. You do not have to see blood, have a bump on your head or lose consciousness to suffer a traumatic brain injury (TBI). The lawyers at SISNEROS GRAZIANI LLP are well- trained in brain injury cases and work with medical experts who can diagnose and treat any kind of trauma to the head or neck which, can cause the brain to bruise, bleed, tear or swell.

Types of Brain Injuries: Open and Closed

There are two types of general head injuries: open and closed. An open head injury means the skull has been fractured, and this kind of brain injury usually results from falls or other accidents in which the head comes in direct contact with a hard surface or object. A closed head injury does not involve a fracture, but can be more serious than an open injury due to the possibility of brain swelling and the formation of dangerous blood clots.

Serious Brain Injury: Warning Signs

Soon after an accident or injury, a brain injury may not be evident, especially when no visual indications of serious injury are present. Here are some things to watch for:

    • Confusion and difficulty remembering recent events
    • Unusual tiredness or sluggishness
    • Nausea and dizziness
    • Severe headache
    • Weakness or numbness on one side of the body

If any of the above symptoms are present after an accident or injury, you should seek immediate medical attention.

Common Brain Injuries

Bruising of the brain is a common injury that results from auto accidents, falls and sports related accidents. The force involved can snap the brain forward and then backward, or vice versa. The force can cause bruising in some areas and bleeding in others.

Another common effect of trauma to the brain is called tearing. Tearing is similar to what happens if a block of ice were to be struck by a hammer: small cracks form, yet the block remains intact. The nerve system of the brain is usually damaged and, depending on the areas in which this occurs, can cause impairment of bodily functions.

When the brain suffers the type of trauma described above, swelling usually occurs. The body’s natural healing processes cause swelling, but the problem with swelling of the brain is that there is no room for the brain to migrate. What results is called intra- cranial pressure, which can be deadly or cause severe impairment of body functions.

Serious Brain Injuries: Medical Evaluation

Victims of brain injuries often don’t recognize that they are impaired. Friends and family should get the victim to a specialist for a medical evaluation. There are simple tests which can diagnose the degree of impairment. An attorney experienced in brain injury cases can assess value regarding:

  • The injured person’s ability to work
  • Emotional impact to the family
  • The right to receive different kinds of economic compensation.
  • Whether independent living is possible
  • What type of occupational therapy might improve day-to-day life?

A good medical evaluation will include the. Significant changes an individual will undergo as they progress through acute hospitalization, then returns to the home and community. An individual will likely experience the best possible outcome when their attorney supports an interdisciplinary approach and coordinated care.